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Timing, Audience & Action

Writer's picture: Felicia BrownFelicia Brown

To have success in business, I’ve found there are three key factors: Timing, audience, and action.

In other words, the right offer has to reach the right people at the right time.

In the world of healing, people get better when the right provider brings the right treatment at the right moment or the best client receives the best procedure and the best time.

This week, I’ve wanted to receive support, affirmations, and appreciation for my role and recent efforts as a spa owner, especially as I face re-opening a business I would prefer to sell. For the most part, there has been silence, but I’ve gotten some positive strokes - maybe not the people I wanted or hoped to hear them from - but from those ready to share those words when I needed them most.

This week, as a writer, I have been seeking reviews for my short story, Quacking Up. Some I’ve asked, many whom I’ve given similar support to, have disappointingly not followed through. However, I’ve gotten incredible reviews from several folks I didn’t initially consider. The right people sharing the right reviews at the right time!

"Felicia reminds us that everything is a teacher and we can learn the best life lessons when we aren't taking things too seriously.”

“Quacking Up by Felicia Brown is a great reminder of how the simplest things in life can bring profound joy.”

“Transparent, funny, and REAL!! Felicia’s ability to share her personal account of what so many people have been dealing with pre and post-COVID is refreshing and confirming that we are not alone.”

For me the lesson this week is to trust in the timing of receiving what I need and be less concerned about how it manifests.

Whether we are seeking words of praise and affirmation, income, or some other desired outcome, it is not up to me to force the source, schedule, or delivery method. My job is to be clear about what I want and need - and to trust that it or something better is already on its way.

Getting clear on exactly what you want – or getting your ducks in a row - clears the path for it and something even better to arrive.

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